
  • Class Passes

    1 Month Class Pass 10 classes for $245

    3 Month Class Pass 10 classes for $300

    Casual Drop In Class $36

  • 2 class/week memberhips

    Month to Month Rolling $52/week

    6-months $47/week

    12-months $44/week

  • 3 class/week memberships

    Month to Month Rolling $73/week

    6-months $69/week

    12-months: $65/week

  • 4 class/week memberships

    6-month $92/week

    12-month $86/week

Class Passes/Packages

1-month 10 class pack

10 classes valid for 1 month from date of first booking.

3-month 10 class pack

10 classes valid for 3 months from date of first booking.

2/Wk Memberships

2 class/wk Rolling/No Commitment

Does 2 classes a week at CLUTCH sound like the perfect fit into your current regime, but afraid of commitment? This membership is for you! Select this Rolling/Non Committal Membership for the ability to cancel at any point with just 1 months notice. Membership paid fortnightly with 4 class credits allocated over your fortnightly billing cycle. You can use your 4 class credits as you wish over your billing cycle.

2 class/wk 6-month membership

Does 2 classes a week at CLUTCH sound like the perfect fit into your current regime? This membership is for you! Commit to a 6-month membership and reap the results of consistency as well as enjoying a cheaper class rate. You will also be able to top up with extra, 1-off classes, should you have the time, at the same class rate of $23.50/class. Membership paid fortnightly with 4 class credits allocated over your fortnightly billing cycle.

Does 2 classes a week at CLUTCH sound like the perfect fit into your current regime? This membership is for you! Commit to a 12-month membership and reap the results of consistency as well as enjoying a cheaper class rate. You will also be able to top up with extra, 1-off classes, should you have the time, at the same class rate of $22/class. Membership paid fortnightly with 4 class credits allocated over your fortnightly billing cycle.

2 class/wk 12-month membership

3/Wk Memberships

3 class/wk Rolling/No Commitment

Does 3 classes a week at CLUTCH sound like the perfect fit into your current regime, but afraid of commitment? This membership is for you! Select this Rolling/Non Committal Membership for the ability to cancel at any point with just 1 months notice. Membership paid fortnightly with 6 class credits allocated over your fortnightly billing cycle. You can use your 6 class credits as you wish over your billing cycle.

3 class/wk 6-month membership

Does 3 classes a week at CLUTCH sound like the perfect fit into your current regime? This membership is for you! Commit to a 6-month membership and reap the results of consistency as well as enjoying a cheaper class rate. You will also be able to top up with extra, 1-off classes, should you have the time, at the same class rate of $23.50/class. Membership paid fortnightly with 6 class credits allocated over your fortnightly billing cycle. You can use your 6 class credits as you wish over your billing cycle.

Does 3 classes a week at CLUTCH sound like the perfect fit into your current regime? This membership is for you! Commit to a 12-month membership and reap the results of consistency as well as enjoying a cheaper class rate. You will also be able to top up with extra, 1-off classes, should you have the time, at the same class rate of $22/class. Membership paid fortnightly with 6 class credits allocated over your fortnightly billing cycle. You can use your 6 class credits as you wish over your billing cycle.

3 class/wk 12-month membership

4/Wk Memberships

4 class/wk 6-month membership

Can't get enough?! This membership is for you! Commit to a 6-month membership and reap the results of consistency as well as enjoying a cheaper class rate. You will also be able to top up with extra, 1-off classes, should you have the time, at the same class rate of $23.50/class. Membership paid fortnightly with 8 class credits allocated over your fortnightly billing cycle. You can use your 8 class credits as you wish over your billing cycle.

4 class/wk 12-month membership

Can't get enough?! This membership is for you! Commit to a 12-month membership and reap the results of consistency as well as enjoying a cheaper class rate. You will also be able to top up with extra, 1-off classes, should you have the time, at the same class rate of $22/class. Membership paid fortnightly with 8 class credits allocated over your fortnightly billing cycle. You can use your 8 class credits as you wish over your billing cycle.